

Saturday, November 17, 2012

We're at 10%!

Thanks to everyone who has pledged to give monthly!  We're just over 10% of the way there!  Our estimated monthly living costs are $3,500, and we now have $360/month pledged, with the majority already showing up in our FCM account each month.  We also have a total of $4,153 raised, meaning we're also about 10% of the way towards the estimated $42,000 we'll need for a year of language school.  God is good, and He's got us well on our way to full-time ministry!

We've got a few events coming up that you might be interested in.  We'll be speaking at our home church, First Baptist Alcoa, on Sunday the 25th from 6-7 PM.  Everyone is invited!  We've also got a friend throwing us a Thirty One party at our house on December 2.  (Contact Leslie on Facebook or send us an email at JeffandLeslieV@gmail.com for more info.)  We're also looking at having a fundraiser at a certain local restaurant.  If you know what "pollo" translates to in English, you might be able to figure out where!  More info on that soon!

We know it's been a little confusing with the different ways you can give, so we want to list those again, hopefully with a little more clarity this time around.  It's a little confusing to explain, but here goes!

Option 1:  Give through your bank (like an automatic bill pay):  To give directly each month through your bank, you'll have to go to your bank and set up an automatic payment to be made each month.  This payment would go to Forgotten Children Ministries -- Jeff and Leslie Vanvactor Account, PO Box 24085, Chattanooga, TN 37422-4085.  Tell the bank the amount you'd like to send each month and they'll do the rest!

Option 2:  Give with your credit card:  Go to fcmhonduras.org, and click "Donate" at the top of the screen.  On this page, there is a blue "Donate Now" button on the right which you'll need to click.  Type in the amount you'd like to give, check monthly in the "I want to make a recurring donation" box, and select "Other" as your designation.  You can then type "Jeff and Leslie Vanvactor" in the "Child Names" box (this was designed as a way to sponsor children, but is also used for missionary sponsorships), and fill in your information on the rest of the screen to donate.  Note that donations done this way will have a percentage taken out as a credit card fee.  However, it is a small percent, so if this is the way you'd prefer to donate, go for it!

Option 3:  Check sent directly to FCM:  Please make checks out to Forgotten Children Ministries -- Jeff and Leslie Vanvactor.  You can send checks directly to FCM at:

Forgotten Children Ministries
PO Box 24085
Chattanooga, TN 37422-4085

You can also contact FCM at 423-892-4979 and have them send you pre-addressed donation envelopes.  (These are the pink envelopes we talk about.)  Simply check our name from the list of missionaries on the back and send in your donation.  These can serve as a great reminder to give each month!

Option 4:  Give through First Baptist Alcoa:  Our home church, First Baptist Alcoa, has set up an account for us where those who attend our home church can give.  Simply make out a check to FBA -- Jeff and Leslie Vanvactor Account, put it in one of the envelopes located in the pews, and drop it in the plate on Sunday morning.

Thanks to everyone for their prayers and support!  We've got an awesome God, and we're so happy to be part of His plan for these children in Honduras!  Please continue to pray for us, for the teams from the States heading down there all year 'round, for the missionaries serving with FCM now (Richie and Lori Womack, Gordon and Christy Diegelman, and Stan Nowell), and the children in the ministry!  We're excited to see how God is working there!

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